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RAK off-Shore

RAK International Corporate Centre is a corporate registry formed by a consolidation of two IBC registries namely; RAK International Companies & RAK Offshore. RAKICC is a highly regulated and offering state of the art products with detailed attention to the Channel Partners/ Registered Agents. The IBCs incorporated with the Jurisdiction are mostly used for wealth management and assets protection, holding shares in local companies and companies established internationally, holding assets, real properties, open bank accounts at local and international banks.


  • Conducting business as an international entity
  • Foreign Ownership
  • Dispute resolution for settlement of commercial disputes
  • Open bank accounts locally and internationally
  • Conducting business without corporate/personal taxes
  • Protecting investments in other foreign countries
  • Simpler transfer of assets and properties held in several countries
  • Transfer of domiciliation or Continuation

Type of Companies

Company Limited by Shares

Company Limited by Shares means that the liability of the shareholders to creditors of the company is limited to the capital originally invested i.e. the nominal value of the shares and any premium paid in return for the issue of the shares by the company.

Company Limited by Guarantee

A Company Limited by Guarantee could be set up with RAKICC as a company authorized to issue shares or as a company not authorized to issue shares. The name of a limited company shall end with the word “Limited” or “Incorporated” or the abbreviation “Ltd” or “Inc”.

Restricted Purposes Company

Restricted Purposes Company are predominantly used for specific purpose. Persons carrying out business with a Restricted Purposes Company have the additional layer of comfort that the company may not engage in any activity that is outside its stated purpose. The restriction on the company activities as stated in its memorandum is binding on the company, its shareholders and its directors.

Segregated Portfolio Company

A Segregated Portfolio Company (or SPC), sometimes referred to as a protected cell company, is a company which segregates the assets and liabilities of different classes (or sometimes series) of shares from each other and from the general assets of the SPC.

Segregated Portfolio assets comprise assets representing share capital, retained earnings, capital reserves, share premiums and all other assets attributable to or held within the Segregated Portfolio.

Unlimited Company

Unlimited Company is a hybrid company (corporation) incorporated with or without a share capital (and similar to its limited company counterpart) but where the legal liability of the members or shareholders is not limited: that is, its members or shareholders have a joint, several and non-limited obligation to meet any insufficiency in the assets of the company to enable settlement of any outstanding financial liability in the event of the company’s formal liquidation.

Intellectual Property Holding Company

The intellectual property (IP) associated with a business name or system can be one of its most valuable assets – but only if it is properly protected. Any business that wishes to establish a national or international identity should take steps to protect the use of its name, logo or other IP, such as patent rights, formulae/processes, designs, trademarks, franchises, license agreements, “know-how” and copyrights. Given the importance of IP, RAK ICC offers IP holding structures that protects your IP platform and provides you with a range of IP holding benefits.

Premium Product

Premium Product is a collaboration between RAKICC and Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ) that allows offshore companies registered with RAKICC to carry out their activities onshore by establishing a subsidiary at RAKEZ.

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