Restructuring & Reorganization

Successful restructuring of companies require keen business insight, an ability to identify areas of concern, strategic planning, and creativity. In these situations, our corporate advisory team will carefully determine the cause of existing difficulties and identifies what is required to resolve them and makes the company progress towards long-term profitability and success. Our corporate advisory team works with the management to undertake a complete diagnostic review of the situation and identifies current and potential problem areas. This stage will lead to strategy formulation aimed at stabilizing and thereby improve the current operations.

We work closely with our clients to assure effective structuring, negotiating and implementation of corporate fund raising transactions. Our value creation approach encompasses all the spheres of activities from understanding our client’s need for capital to transforming it into an exciting opportunity for financiers by unlocking the hidden value in the business. We work closely with other capital market participants to raise the capital in a timely yet cost effective manner.

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